福州密斯特西服装有限公司,2008年成立于福州。品牌主要以高端定制男士修身西服为主,以优质面料、精良做工及**工艺打造优雅经典的高端定制服务,诠释现代时尚西服的混搭穿衣风格。 对于品牌的由来 For the origin of a brand 或许每个品牌都有个故事 Perhaps each brand has a story 但我们没有 But we do not 只有一个创业者对事业的那份执着 Only the persistence from the starter to the cause 对品牌默默的付出 Paying for the brand in silence 对每一套西服所浇筑的心血 Making every effort to each suit 将具有品位的着装风范传递于身边的每一个朋友 Transferring the most tasteful dress style to every friend around you 让定制不再奢侈,成为可能 Let the custom is no longer a luxury ,possible 让品质融入你的生活 Let the quality into your life 这正是我们想做的,也是我们要做的 This is what we want to do ,but also what we have to do 我们就是定制文化的传播者与推崇者 We are advocates of communicators and custom culture